Clean wood blinds frequently to avoid dirty build up. If you don’t have time for a thorough cleaning, at least dust them. Even closing the blinds and running a duster over them weekly will make a difference. Feather dusters tend to scatter dust, so use a soft cloth, wool, or “magnet” dusters. These tools will pull the dust away from the blinds, and it will collect on the surface of the duster instead of flying around the room. Take the duster outside and shake it, or brush off the surface, before attempting to use it on another set of blinds.  

To keep wood blinds in excellent condition vacuum on a regular basis. Using the brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner, gently vacuum each slat, front and back. How often you should vacuum will be determined by how dusty your blinds get. A good rule of thumb, is to vacuum them at least once per month. It will be obvious if it needs to be done more frequently.

A pair of cotton mitts or gloves can also be used to clean wood blinds. Gently wipe each slat from the cords or ladder towards the centre. This will prevent the dust building up on and around the cords and ladders.

Never soak wood blinds. In fact, it is not a good idea to use water to clean them, or to get them wet at all. Once wet, wood can loose its shape and warp easily

Do's and Don't

Do not use a wax based furniture polish for cleaning. Wax will simply seal in the dirt.

Do not use water to clean them.

Do not use any abrasive cleaners or products.

Do have your Wooden Blinds clean professionally at least once a year